Masih sama seperti aturan pada jenis pertama, kamu harus meletakkan klausa yang menunjukkan cause setelah signal words. Pola kalimatnya pun sama, yaitu:
Kata penghubung untuk menyatakan cause
Kata penghubung (linking words) yang digunakan untuk menyatakan cause (sebab) adalah for, so, because, because of, the reason for, created by, due to, dan unless. Berikut penjelasannya:
For digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua independent clause.
Contoh: People are waiting in front of the store for the launching of brand new watch (Orang- orang menunggu di depan toko untuk peluncuran jam tangan merek terbaru).
Digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua independent clause. Bedanya dengan for, so lebih sering digunakan dalam percakapan sehari- hari.
Contoh: I spent all of my money on this dress, so I have no money left (saya menghabiskan banyak uang untuk membeli baju ini, jadi saya tidak punya uang lagi).
Because digunakan untuk menghubungkan independent clause dan dependent clause.
Contoh: My sister is crying because she is hungry (saudaraku menangis karena dia lapar)
- Because of (dikarenakan oleh)
Kata penghubung because of harus iikuti oleh kata benda (noun), karena of merupakan kata depan atau preposition.
Contoh: I couldn’t sleep well last night because of hot temperature (saya tidak bisa tidur nyenyak semalam dikarenakan oleh suhu yang panas).
- The reason for (penyebab dari)
The reason for adalah kata penghubung yang menyatakan cause dan penggunaannya diikuti oleh kata benda.
Contoh: The reason for flood in this city is garbage that people threw anywhere (penyebab dari banjir di kota ini adalah sampah yang dibuang sembarangan oleh orang- orang)
- Created by (disebabkan oleh)
Berfungsi untuk menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat.
Contoh: The terrible accident was created by careless driver (kecelakaan hebat itu disebabkan oleh pengemudi yang ceroboh).
- Due to (dikarenakan/ disebabkan oleh)
Merupakan compound preposition. Harus diikuti oleh kata benda atau gerund.
Contoh: I need to go back to John’s house due to the heavy rain (aku harus kembali ke rumah John dikarenakan hujan deras).
- Unless (kecuali jika/ kecuali kalau)
Berfungsi untuk menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat.
Contoh: You won’t be champion unless you practice hard (kamu tidak akan jadi pemenang kecuali jika kamu berlatih dengan keras).
Kata penghubung untuk menyatakan effect
Kata penghubung (linking words) untuk menyatakan akibat (effect) dapat berupa as a result, then, hence, therefore, so, dan in order to. Dengan penjelasan yaitu:
- As a result (akibat dari)
As a result adalah kata penghubung yang menyatakan effect atau akibat dari sesuatu tertentu.
Contoh: She never cleans her room. As a result, her room is always dirty (dia tidak pernah membersihkan kamarnya. Sebagai akibatnya, kamarnya selalu kotor).
Digunakan sebagai kata penghubung untuk menunjukkan akibat (effect).
Contoh: Dina comes late to school, then she get punishment from teacher (Dina datang terlambat ke sekolah, maka dia mendapatkan hukuman dari gurunya).
- Hence (oleh karena itu/ oleh sebab itu)
Hence adalah kata penghubung yang menyatakan effect dan digunakan dalam situasi formal.
Contoh: The food delivery was not coming yesterday. Hence, I ordered another one (Pengantar makanan tidak datang kemarin. Oleh sebab itu, saya memesan yang lain).
- Therefore (oleh karena itu atau oleh sebab itu)
Biasanya digunakan dalam situasi formal, dan dalam tulisan.
Contoh: I didn’t bring any money. Therefore, I couldn’t buy anything there (saya tidak membawa uang. Oleh karena itu, saya tidak bisa membeli apapun).
Lebih sering digunakan dalam sebuah percakapan dari pada tulisan.
Contoh: It’s windy today, so everyone get inside the room (hari ini berangin, sehingga orang- orang masuk ke dalam ruangan).
- In order to (agar atau supaya)
Lebih sering digunakan dalam sebuah percakapan dari pada tulisan.
Contoh: I will take the first bus in order to not get late to school (saya mengambil bus pertama supaya tidak datang terlambat ke sekolah).
“Thus” and “so”
The most important difference between “thus” and “so” is that “so” is a conjunction (meaning “and for that reason”, “and because of that”), whereas “thus” is an adverb (synonymous with “consequently”). For example, the sentence
He is not satisfied, so we must prepare a new proposal.
can be rewritten using “thus” as follows:
correctHe is not satisfied. Thus, we must prepare a new proposal.
correctHe is not satisfied; thus, we must prepare a new proposal.
correctHe is not satisfied, and(,) thus(,) we must prepare a new proposal.
wrongHe is not satisfied with it, thus we must prepare a new proposal.
“Thus” is usually separated from the rest of the sentence by commas, but the commas are often omitted if this would lead to three commas in a row (as in the third example).
The last example is not correct because “thus” cannot join two independent clauses.
“Thus” also has another meaning: “in this way”, “like this” (in which case it does not introduce a clause). For example:
They have developed a new technology, thus allowing them to reduce costs.
The comma here was appropriate because what follows “thus” is not a clause. It is just a parenthetical expression extending the preceding clause.
Just like “thus”, “hence” is an adverb, not a conjunction, so it cannot join two independent clauses (note that it is more common to omit the commas around “hence” than after “thus” in formal writing):
correctHe is not satisfied. Hence(,) we must prepare a new proposal.
correctHe is not satisfied; hence(,) we must prepare a new proposal.
wrongHe is not satisfied, hence we must prepare a new proposal.
“Hence” used in this sense is rather uncommon, and such usage persists mostly in specialized fields, such as scientific writing.
There is, however, another, more common meaning of “hence”, which substitutes a verb but is not a clause in itself and is always separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma:
Our server was down, hence the delay in responding.
The chemicals cause the rain to become acidic, hence the term “acid rain”.
As you can see, “hence” substitutes phrases such as “which leads to” or “which is the reason of”.
Finally, “therefore” is also an adverb meaning “as a logical consequence”. It is used mostly in argumentation when one statement logically follows from another, and it is common in scientific literature.
Again, style guides usually recommend to set it off with commas, but when this would break the natural flow of the sentence, most authors tend to omit the commas:
correctThe two lines intersect. Therefore(,) they are not parallel.
correctThe two lines intersect; therefore(,) they are not parallel.
correctThe two lines intersect, and(,) therefore(,) they are not parallel.
wrongThe two lines intersect, therefore they are not parallel.
Some people argue that “therefore” functions perfectly well as a conjunction (like “so”) and separating it with a comma instead of a semicolon is acceptable. However, none of the major English dictionaries (such as Oxford English Dictionary or Merriam-Webster) endorses such usage.
Note that “therefore” does not sound natural when there is no apparent logical connection between the two statements, especially in an informal context. You should use “so” in such cases:
correctThe trip was cancelled, so I visited my grandma instead.
unnaturalThe trip was cancelled; therefore I visited my grandma instead.